EPDM membranes are widely used in the window, façade and glazing sectors. This material offers incredible air and weather tight features. We can supply EPDM membranes for both internal and external applications as well as the appropriate sealing tapes and adhesive pastes.
Please feel free to contact us today for a quote or for any help with your requirements.
ME220 is used for weather sealing the connecting joint between a window or a façade & an adjacent structure, or to provide an internal air-tight barrier in a similar detail. If an internal and external membrane is required, in order to meet the principle of ‘inside tighter than outside’, ME220 should be located as the inner membrane and ME501 Duo Window Membrane HD as the outer membrane. This will ensure that the inner seal is more vapour tight than the outer which will facilitate drying out of any entrapped moisture between the two layers.
illbruck ME220 is used for sealing interfaces to provide airtight or weather tight seals. It is suitable for wide ranging application details. The material does not contain any solvents which could later migrate into adjacent surfaces. The membrane is used for sealing the connecting joint between a window/curtain walling and an adjacent structure (e.g. a wall, concrete panel, steel frame, etc.), providing air and weather tightness.
OT015 is a high tack adhesive which is used for bonding ME220 Elastomeric EPDM Membrane to itself & to typical construction substrates such as aluminium, metal, zinc plated metal, wood, PVC-U, and other non-porous materials. Ideal for bonding of ME220 EPDM membranes in facade installations. Cured adhesive has excellent resistance to weathering and the ageing effects of UV exposure. Adhesive accommodates a wide fluctuation in temperature from -20°C up to +80°C. Easy, clean, fast and precise application.
illbruck OT008 Paste Adhesive is a special adhesive particularly suited for bonding illbruck ME220 & ME501 membrane onto porous substrates such as styrene foam (incl. EPS), varnished wood, etc. It is also suitable for bonding membrane to membrane or between membrane and non-porous materials such as aluminium, metal, zinc plated metal, bitumen, butyl. The connection produced provides excellent resistance to ageing, temperature changes and is waterproof.
ME501 VV is a high strength, tear resistant membrane made from polyethylene copolymer film with non-woven fabric and self-adhesive films for reliable and user-friendly application.