A ‘check reveal’ is a detail that is particularly common in Scotland and Central Europe and involves an opening being formed in the external masonry skin where the external structural opening is smaller than the window frame and consequently the external face of the window frame when installed butts up against the back of the external skin. In this scenario the primary weather seal is formed between the front face of the window and the opening rather than the outer perimeter of the window and a conventional ‘flush’ reveal.
The check reveal undoubtedly therefore produces a more protected joint and impregnated foam tapes are ideal for providing an external weather seal in such details. It is important however not to overlook the potential for thermal bridging between the window frame and the structure and appropriate insulation should be incorporated in this joint which again can be provided by impregnated foam tapes.
Please feel free to contact us today for a quote or for any help with your requirements.
TP600 is an impregnated joint sealing tape for use in a wide variety of movement joints including window perimeter seals and other applications.
ME501 VV is a high strength, tear resistant membrane made from polyethylene copolymer film with non-woven fabric and self-adhesive films for reliable and user-friendly application.
ME220 VV is an EPDM-based membrane used for sealing interfaces to provide airtight or weather tight seals. It is suitable for wide ranging application details. The material does not contain any solvents which could later migrate into adjacent surfaces.